About Course


The labor movement needs dedicated recruiters to bring in new members into unions. The hiring process for union organizing positions can be daunting. This course covers everything you need to land that dream union organizing position and create a secure future for you and your family. It covers salaries and benefits, long term work outlook, balancing work and family, loyalty, union jurisdictions, solution solving, etc. You will receive vital resources not available anywhere else.

This course provides an overview of what is required for a successful union organizing career, some of the pros and cons, and the power of having a written plan to succeed. Topics such as Job qualifications, how to master the organizer evaluation and how you could get sponsored are all covered.

Student’s will receive a 30-Day Action Plan, 101 Reasons to Join a Union and tips to avoid the 5 most common mistakes.

Finally, students will get a chance to connect with union organizers and ask questions of the instructor. Act now! The labor movement needs you!

30 Day Money Back Guarantee
This course includes:
  • 1 hour on-demand video

  • Full lifetime access

  • Downloadable resources

  • Access on mobile and TV

  • Certificate of completion